Radomiras was born on January 6, 2011, and was diagnosed with congenital spinal hernia, cerebral water, Arnold-Chiari syndrome, leg paraparesis and slippery, pelvic organ dysfunction, hip dislocation, epilepsy, mixed specific developmental disorders and moderate speech underdevelopment. Born fully carried away. A spinal cord hernia plastic operation and ventrikuloperitoneal shunting surgery were performed. However, the trouble with these operations is not over.

Radomiras has already endured about 15 operations and does not know how many more will be needed. When he was 7 months old. he developed epilepsy with convulsions, which often reoccur, which especially hinders the development of the child. Today, he needs strong and intensive rehabilitation, as he has impaired leg sensations, weak muscles, dislocated hips, as well as disturbed sensations of urination and defecation. From 7 months we started driving to Children's Rehabilitation Hospital "Lopšelis" and then an additional 2 times a year to Abromiškiai Rehabilitation Hospital.

The child does not walk, has many neurological disorders. The child's special needs are very high – not only daily exercise with a physiotherapist is required, but also speech therapist classes. We teach Radomira every day to learn something and move forward in small steps.

Radomiras lanko spec. mokyklą, ten daug veiklos ir berniukas vyksta įvairius užsiėmimus. Kad ir kaip būtų sunku, šeima vistiek eina į prieki nors ir mažais žingsneliais. Šiuo metu galima pastebėti, kad vaiko žodynas pamažu plečiasi, jis nori daug pasakyti, bet nelabai išeina, nors įdeda daug pastangų. Be to, augant atsirado noras vaikščioti tik gaila, kad prietaisas, kuris padeda stovėti ir savarankiškai judėti iš vienos vietos į kitą, yra vienintelis ir tik Raidos centre „Lopšelis“, kuris berniukui mažas. Papildomai su Radomiru dirba logoterapeutas, taip pat berniukas lanko „Nicomed“ centrą, kuriame yra robotizuotas kinisiforo eisenos treniruoklis – jis vaikui atstoja vertikalizaciją ir padeda treniruoti raumenis. Radomirui labai patinka treniruotis ir jis norėtų tai daryti dažniau, bet mums šiuo metu yra reikalinga finansinė pagalba.

Nepaisant patirtų sunkių išbandymų, Radomiras yra linksmas, bendraujantis bei pasauliu besidomintis berniukas. Kiekvienas, nors ir mažas Radomiro pasiekimas mums suteikia daug džiaugsmo. 


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🔸A/S LT80 7300 0101 44236452

Swift code HABLT22

Beneficiary - Labdaros ir paramos fondas "Rupestinga sirdele"

Bank code 73000



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