Thanks to Tom Okman and Tesonet for their support of Milda.

Blonde Mildutė is still quite small, only 3 and a half, but during her life she has already spent a year and a half in the hospital. The girl suffered from dozens of epileptic seizures a day, sometimes nearly 50 a day, and a tracheostomy was inserted into the girl’s trachea to combat them. But now, half a year after her mother Laima, it can be easier to relax - the number of seizures has decreased significantly, and the terrible-looking tracheostomy is gone. For today, the most important thing for Milda is daily exercise with a physiotherapist. Once a week she visits the pool and goes to the masseuse. Now all my mother has asked for is to help pay for the services provided by the specialists, thanks to which Milda is starting to grow stronger.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Tesonet and Tomas Okman, who donated € 500 to pay for Mildutė's physiotherapy and individual procedures in the hall, VS-Fitness Kaunas - MEGA.

We remind you that goodness is easy to share.

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