• AMŽIUS – 6m.
  • DIAGNOZĖ – spinalinė raumenų atrofija. 
  • ŠEIMOS SVAJONĖ – finansinė pagalba maitinamiesiems specialiesiams mišinukams, kurie palaiko Emilijaus svorį ir gyvybę.


When the boy was born, in the first days of Emilijaus life, no one would have dared to say that the boy was sick. But a few weeks later, the visible image began to raise suspicions. The boy's muscles were very weak and flabby, and he struggled to eat.

The family immediately began looking for a cause. The studies carried out did not provide a more detailed answer... After receiving the recommendations, Emilijaus family visited massages with the boy, as well as went to a neurologist and other specialists. Before he finally arrived at the treatment, he was 10 years old. Genetics. After telling me all about the boy's health, Emilijaus mother received an answer that the boy needed to undergo tests immediately, but had to wait a month for them.

Emilijus was increasingly suffering from fragrant tract infections like bronchitis, and eventually, everything went to the lungs... It was only later that it was discovered that the boy may have died from these diseases... Unfortunately, I had to put a tracheostomy tube and connect the artificial ventilation of the lungs. Around the 7th month of Emilijaus life, a diagnosis of the disease was received – spinal muscular atrophy. It is a genetically inherited disease. The body does not produce the necessary protein for the muscles, as a result of which the muscles begin to weaken over time, and eventually disappear.

Sužinojusi diagnozę, šeima nedelsiant išvyko į Kauno klinikas. Ten sutiko puikią specialistę, kuri pasirūpino šeima, nukreipė pas reikiamus specialistus, kurie lig šiol prižiūri Emilijų. Šios ligos gydymas Lietuvoje yra kompensuojamas, tačiau kas kartą norint gauti gydymą yra reikalinga pereiti tam tikrus nustatytus kriterijus, tokius kaip: sveikatos stabilumas ir žinoma – svoris. Su svoriu Emilijui tenka kovoti nuo pat gimimo.

For some time now, Emilijus has been fed with special mixtures that are not compensated and are very expensive, but it is a single food that supports and allows Emilijaus weight to increase a little... As Emilijus grows, the need for blends increases, which becomes an unbearable burden financially... Emilijaus family is asking for help.


How can you doante:

🔸A/S LT80 7300 0101 44236452

Swift code HABLT22

Beneficiary - Labdaros ir paramos fondas "Rupestinga sirdele"

Bank code 73000



🔸Sending SMS number 1670 with the word AUKA (SMS price 5 EUR)