We collected 1000 EUR for Alanas. Thanks to everyone who contributed!

Alano diagnosis  – dyskinesic cerebral palsy, epilepsy, mixed developmental disorder. Alan’s parents were expecting a son for 14 years. Due to the complicated childbirth, the baby was born traumatized, addicted. After two months, the epileptic seizures began, and he lived in the hospital for half a year because he could not apply treatment. Development was completely disrupted. The marathon after the sanatoriums started from the year and continues to this day. Alan is now 5 years old. The child does not sit independently, does not walk, does not speak, but perceives everything and demands more and more attention. The mother cannot work because the child is completely dependent on adult care. Go to the sanatorium 5-6 times a year. The child grows stronger already keeps his head, knows how to flip… But time is not running out in favor of Alan and therefore parents dream of stronger rehabilitation in Slovakia. The cost of rehabilitation in Slovakia is 4500-5000 EUR.